Tax Calculator

Enter whole numbers - for example, $1,000.00 would be 1000.

Estimated Taxes $
Net Income $0
Deductions - $0
Taxable Income $0
Federal Taxes $0
Provincial Taxes $0
CPP / EI $0
Total Taxes $0
Taxes Paid - $0
Balance* $0
*Please note that these amounts are only estimates - get in touch with us or consult a tax professional if you have questions!

Earnings After Tax:


Average Tax Rate:


Federal Tax Bracket Tax Rate
< $53,359 15.0%
$53,359 - $106,717 20.5%
$106,717 - $165,430 26.0%
$165,430 - $235,675 29.0%
> $235,675 33.0%
Alberta Tax Bracket Tax Rate
< $142,292 10.0%
$142,292 - $170,751 12.0%
$170,751 - $227,668 13.0%
$227,668 - $341,502 14.0%
> $341,502 15.0%

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Bookkeeping, Payroll, Tax, and more for creatives, entrepreneurs, and small businesses in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

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